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The United States as a lot to offer immigrants. The foundation of America is freedom and every in its borders has the right to speak their minds and practice any religion they choose. It is also super power with thriving industries, so there are many economic opportunities for an immigrant with the right skills so many people choose Nevada.
Immigrants made up 19.4 percent of Nevada’s population in 2014.
45.3 percent of foreign-born individuals in the state were naturalized citizens (MPI).
The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Immigration Statistics estimates that in January 2012, there was an estimated 11.4 million undocumented immigrants in U.S. Most undocumented immigrants enter the country through illegal border crossings, but 40 to 50 percent enter the country with a visa and become undocumented because they remained in the U.S. after their visa expired.
Many immigrants want to do the right thing and immigrate legally, but the process is difficult. Because of that some immigrants choose to enter without authorization or overstay their visa. Entering the U.S. without permission is illegal and has numerous consequences including incarceration and removal. An immigrant also risk being prohibited from entering the U.S for three years, ten years or permanently, depending on when they entered without authorization or how long they remained after their visa expire.
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