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The U.S. is a destination for immigrants from every continent who want to get a good education, find a better or be with a loved one. U.S. immigration agencies issue millions of visas to immigrants for a ranger or purposes.
Just 3.7 percent of Missouri’s population was foreign-born in 2014, the Migration Policy Institute reports. Asians account for 31 percent of the state’s immigrant population while Latinos accounted for 27.9 percent.
Immigrating to the U.S. is very challenging, time-consuming and many visas or asylum applications are denied, so some immigrants decide to enter the U.S.
Immigrating to the U.S. can be demanding, so some immigrants come to America before getting authorization or remaining in the U.S. even when their visa is invalid. Entering the U.S. without authorization is illegal and has numerous consequences including deportation.
Maine participates in the immigration enforcement program called Secure Communities. Under the federal program, law enforcement officers are required to check on the immigration status of immigrants who they arrest and suspect of being undocumented.
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